
“Bird Song” Fabric Tour with Pat Sloan + Worldwide Giveaway!
Hello friends and welcome to my stop on Day 2 of the “Bird Song” Fabric Tour with the amazing Pat Sloan and Worldwide Giveaway!
Tantalizing Table Toppers Book Tour with Pat Sloan + Worldwide Giveaway!
Hello friends and welcome to my stop on Day 3 of the “Tantalizing Table Topper” Book Tour with the amazing Pat Sloan and Worldwide Book Giveaway!

Helleborus Confetti Quilt
October is... Island Batik Ambassadors and industry partner's challenge! Can you guess with whom?

Free Theme Challenge
Project type: Ambassador's choice, any size, any fabric... BOOM!!! Can you guess what I chose?!

Enlightenment Embroidery Project
This week I was playing again with my Cricut Maker and Cintiq 16 drawing display... Are you curious?

Fall's Table Runner
It is that magical time of the year... "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower", Albert Camus.