Fall's Table Runner


It is that magical time of the year... "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower", Albert Camus.

"The products featured in this post were given to me by Island Batik"

Click here to visit Island Batik’s page!

Click here to visit Island Batik’s page!


Can you believe that it is already October?! (ok by this point almost November!). And the Island Batik Ambassador's challenge this month is all about... table toppers! "For either a quick project or a celebration, table toppers are perfect for creating your statement piece for your home decor" (challenge directions).

And with "home decor" in mind I chose the Seedlings Collection, the color palette is a perfect addition to your home decor and the fabric design with those gorgeous mushrooms, leaves and garden context are also perfect for a fall project.

Seedlings by Kathy Engle, Spring 2019

Seedlings by Kathy Engle, Spring 2019


Confession: I don't design to many projects for my house, or even small quilts, most of the time I'm working with my 60"-70" show quilt square. So, this project started small, but than "me" happened... I started to work with a 12" x40" idea on Electric Quilt 8 and I finished with...

Fall's Table Runner, 24" x 52" finished size!

Fall's Table Runner, 24" x 52" finished size!


It is a fun and easy going project, with 4 1/2" square blocks plus 2 1/2" strips sashing borders. For the quilting, I decided to NOT QUILT ON THE DITCH, because is fun quilt something not expected when you are working with a very symmetrical pattern.

the back side

the back side


For the quilting, I did some ruler work and free motion quilting mixed with Aurifil 40wt color 2902, same thread for top and bobbin. For the batting, I used Hobbs Heirloom Premium 100% Natural Cotton.

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Because 99% of my quilts are for contests and will be judged, I'm not used to binding my quilts by machine, actually some time ago I used to say "machine binding is against my religion" :)... but with the amount of projects this year, everything that will not be judged will be machine binding. And recently I discovered a much better use for the blind-stitch foot, since I don't sew blind hems at all!

And yes! Wonderclips from Clover are mandatory for machine binding!

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Piecing done, quilting done, binding done and... Folks, I totally forgot the appliqué part!!!

Luckily what I most have on the garden at this moment are leaves!

I used a leaf from my garden to design the template and did all the appliqué by hand, because the table runner was practically ready.


And finally my Fall's Table Runner! See you next month, to be precise November 14th! Save the date ;)

Starburst, 51" x 65"

Fall's Table Runner, 24" x 52", Seedlings Collection

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